Archive for April, 2016

Old projects anew; robot cats

Sunday, April 24th, 2016

Backlog of models to blog about, unheard of!

For some reason, I felt like painting up a Malifaux  Hunter, basically a robot cat with a harpoon for a tail (the things they dream up these days!). I have a Hoffman crew (posted somewhere on the blog) that I’ve had an itch to expand, so besides the Hunter I’m also underway with a Metal gamin and a scratch built mechanical attendant. We’ll see if they ever see game time, not a lot of that going on at the moment. On the other hand I’ve been painting a lot lately, so who cares, I’m just going to try and keep the motivation up.

Considering it was some 4 years since I painted the other robots there was some issues trying to make the hunter look the same, but I think I got it about right. Also, some sort of record – after undercoat I think I painted it in just under two hours! Yes, that’s my definition of speed painting at least.

That’s it for now; I’m blogging on my phone in the dark in my bed so not really optimal for pooping of words. So, good night and picture below!