Archive for the ‘battle report’ Category

Malifaux battlereport 2016-08-23

Thursday, August 25th, 2016

You can hear the clatter of rain outside; it’s muffled as if run through a filter, but it’s still there. The room is empty save for an old, rusted ,steel-framed bed in one of the corners. There’s no sheets, just a mattress. It doesn’t feel that bad, despite its spartan look – at least it’s not the bare floor. If you had to describe your environment in one word, it would be “Grey”.

The sound of rain is gone now. You turn over in the bed and spot the television set in the middle of the room. The antenna hopelessly stretches up towards the ceiling like an old wizened willow. You wonder why it’s there since there’s nowhere to plug it in. You also wonder, briefly, why you don’t focus your attention on how it got there. The screen wakes up. First static, then slowly merging in a myriad of bright colors which fill the room with ghost-like multicolored rays penetrating the filtered Grey.

I wonder what’s on.


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Dystopian man’o’wars!

Sunday, February 26th, 2012


Random pic from todays try out of dystopian wars using old man’o’war models.
With dwarfs as Yankees and skaven as Brits…
Lots o’ boatin’!